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How to Hire a Janitorial Services Provider
Most companies don’t think too hard about what janitorial service they are going to hire, often relying mostly on price to make their choice. The work your janitor does for your business is a part of how your business is portrayed to clients and business partners, which makes it an important job to be done right. You’ll want to be a little picky about the janitor you choose to hire to make sure you’re getting the most out of the service and to prevent the chore of having to go through the process multiple times if you become dissatisfied with the work and decide to hire someone else. Here are some questions and topics of conversation you can discuss with your potential janitorial services provider.

Janitorial ServicesAsk about work experience. How does the company hire employees? What sort of training is required by the company? Does the company offer any specialized training or certifications? These types of questions will help you understand what level of quality you can expect from their janitorial services.

Ask about their customer service. Who will you contact if you have any complaints or special jobs for them to do? How will you be contacting the company? Many janitorial services do their work at night and can be difficult to get a hold of during regular business hours. You’ll need to know how you’ll be communicating and make sure your concerns will be resolved in a timely manner.

Also, see if they ask you questions. A janitorial service should want to be clear on what their employers’ expectations are. If your janitor is not asking you what you want to get out of the job, then you might not come out on the same page about expectations.

There are countless janitorial services to choose from. By being choosy during your selection process, you’ll be able to find the right janitor that fits your needs.